A foundation is... Well, by general definition, it is the basis upon which something stands or is supported. In this case, a structure. Most of us would like to believe that a foundation will last forever, or nearly. Unfortunately, while a foundation will last a good long time, it will not be eternal. Some older concrete foundations are crumbling and in poor condition. Unwashed sand, excessive water, a lack of reinforcing steel, and inadequate amounts of cement can all contribute to the premature failure of a foundation. Another consideration would be seismic resistance. Homes constructed in the last 20 years or so are much more able to withstand an earthquake than homes constructed prior to the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes. If your home was constructed prior to the mid 1990s, it might be a good idea to consider looking at updating the structure of your home with seismic upgrades. A licensed structural engineer can design upgrades that will help to strengthen your investment against earthquake damage. With a huge amount of useful engineering and structural information, a great place to start is the Simpson Strong-Tie website.
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Home inspections in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Windsor, Healdsburg, Sebastopol, Sonoma,
Cloverdale Geyserville, Guerneville, Oakmont, and most other communities in Sonoma County.